Monday, November 5, 2012

And the winner is . . .

"Like" if you agree: "The time is near at hand which must determine whether Americans are to be free men or slaves." - George WashingtonI mentioned to my husband, last night, that this election process has been wearing and nasty. Growing up, I never noticed the rhetoric, slurs, and lies as much as the last few months. I was reminded that this sort of behavior showed up beginning in 2000 and the groups and agendas forcing their way into our lives by hook or by crook are just getting more blatant about their behavior. I've taken my children to the polls with me since they were babies. My younger son looked forward to 'voting' as I would let him do the touch screen according to my directions, of course. Tomorrow, I take my children to vote on their own and we are apprehensive about going there, fearing intimidation and possible problems.

Why are people, namely politicians, so afraid of facing their shortcomings? They all had a chance to prove their worth to the voters over the last years and instead misused our faith in them. To add insult to injury, they find ways to lie and cheat their way into reelection on many levels of government. Democracy means we all have a say in the election process. However, many groups are using personal methods to waylay the process in favor of the candidate they favor.

Tomorrow, we will prayerfully vote and also pray for the safety of all people heading to the polls. I also hope that people ignore the doomsday projections stated in hopes of keeping people from voting in the belief it is too late for a change.

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