Sunday, October 28, 2012

Practicing for Thanksgiving!

After a long, hot summer it was nice to bake bread without dread! I wanted to make bread stuffing to go with chicken, cranberries, and gravy for dinner and didn't want to use store-bought bread. It gets too mushy and doesn't stand up to the sauted onions, celery, and spices.

I took a slightly different approach to the bread and added a cup of freshly ground whole wheat to the mix. It must have passed inspection because my husband said to make it this way for the Thanksgiving turkey stuffing.

My younger son is very careful about his calories and is health-conscious so I let him know earlier in the day that we were having a special dinner and he skimped on lunch in order to have two helpings at dinner.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Barbara, I need this recipe!!! That bread looks amazing and I want to make it! ;) Now that I have my oven back...AMEN!!!