Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What can you really defend . . . ?

There is a personable young man in our parish church who is willing to challenge anyone to a debate regarding the incumbent president and Governor Romney, the challenger for the seat in the Oval Office . . . only this young man is defending the current president's re-election. And I have to wonder, as a Catholic, how he can be so adamantly in favor of a man who has been outspoken in both his first election and the current one in favor of abortion at any time in a pregnancy. In fact, his one 'claim to fame' as a short-term senator was to fight to have the Born Alive Act overturned meaning that if an abortion didn't 'work', another doctor was to come in and see to the killing of the infant.

I have another friend, who is a priest, and he votes for the Green Party and a look at their site reveals they are also in favor of abortion. When I challenged him on this issue, he seriously admonished me with, "You know I have always abhorred abortion!" Uh, well, yes, so why are you handing your support to any group that will uphold that right.

Recently, our bishop wrote an article on voting in the diocesan paper and although he did mention abortion, the sum total of his article was voting down the death penalty. Abortion got mentioned twice and early on in his writing but the bulk of it dealt with the death penalty. I do have concerns about the death penalty but how many people have suffered this punishment in comparison to the over 50 million babies that have been murdered? I felt like the shepherd was leading his flock along a side path when the real challenge took another avenue.

Interesting to see that three obviously thinking people has so little thought about the unborn. Yes, Governor Romeny isn't totally against abortion but voting one's conscience or not voting at all may land us with another four years of abortion at any time in the pregnancy.

A big campaign blame is that the Republicans are waging a war on women. Since more than half the pregnancies seem to be female, doesn't abortion wage a war on women? A baby is not a parasite. A parasite is a life form not related to the host. A baby is another human being. Legal may be legal but it doesn't always make it right.

In the UTube "33 Minutes to Rock Your World, the host points out that Jews were not illegally killed in World War II Germany because Hitler made it the law and as an elected official, he made use of that 'right'. But, being legal didn't make it right to kill Jews. Abortion is also legal . . . does that make it right to kill another human being?

You have to wonder about the Christian/Catholic gene pool these days when one of them comes up to you sporting an obama tee shirt at church and tries to convince you of the validity of a vote that will give someone another open season of murdering babies.

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