Saturday, September 15, 2012

Question for the Clergy . . .

Caroline Kennedy recently spoke at the Democratic National Convention 'as Catholic woman' yet she came out strongly in favor of abortion. Where is the outcry from her own parish priest to the bishop of her diocese and publicly from pulpits across the nation. No, we can't judge people we think are against the sanctity of like but Caroline Kennedy didn't leave any doubt about where she stood on the subject.

Former speaker of the house, Peolosi also made statements about the Church and is a strong advocate for abortion.  She actually said Sunday was for religion! Yet, both she and Vice President Biden flaunt their ashes on Ash Wednesday where I assume they also attended Mass . . . and received Communion. How little the pastors of their church must care about their souls or their own, for that fact, to fly in the face of all that is holy and good and part of the 'rules' of being a Catholic.

I was a child when President Kennedy came into office but I remember my very anti-Catholic aunt fretting that if we get a Catholic in the White House, besides the Pope moving in, too, we'd all have to start being Catholics. Naturally, that didn't happen but, at that time, many people felt the Catholics were a strong example in the world.

Then came the legalization of abortion and the outcry wasn't what was expected from the Catholics. I remember attending Mass on the tenth anniversary of Roe v. Wade and expecting the pastor to touch upon this fact in his homily. Not a word.

Along come obama out of almost no where and given his attitude on abortion, I figured that no Catholic would vote for him. Unfortunately, 54% of the Catholic vote went to him, he won, and one of the first things he signed in office was to rescind the safeguards President Bush had put into place to protect the unborn. When one puts their politics ahead of their religion, can you expect them to have a mind set of being a martyr for their faith?

My question for the Catholic clergy is - where is the outcry? Yes, there are many, many people who do made a difference on the abortion issue but when are the people who want the title of Catholic going to be told they can't receive the sacraments because their Sunday Mass attendance dosen't make up for their disbelief during the week.

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