Monday, September 24, 2012

Miss Stubby Returns!

 After a frustrating morning of trying to round up Miss Stubby for transfer to her new home, we ended up driving two hours to the destination with only one cat aboard. When Miss Stubby doesn't want to be found, she won't be found. We didn't leave any food out for her in hopes that she would show up and complain. True to her greedy, little cat nature, she showed up last night and meowed long and loud about the lack of food. We lured her in with some really stinky but much-loved tinned cat food and she spent the night in our garage with all the comforts of home but no chance of escape. My poor husband gets to make the two-hour, one way trip out to the desert again today to leave her with her new family. The one good thing is that she will be reunited with Bold who we left there, yesterday.

My huband is looking forward to now not having a group of cats congregating in our yard. We can go back to our one cat/one dog family.
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