Tuesday, September 25, 2012

King of the USA?

It took the United States over 200 years to reach this day and time. Every star and stripe on our flag means something. Each star represents an individual state that together makes our country. We are individuals with a common purpose . . . to maintain our freedom yet live in harmony. That kind of peace has to come more or less naturally. When one person takes over control of how that is to come about without the consensus of the others, we have unrest.

For his campaign for re-election, the current president has designed his own 'american' flag and dismissed the blood, sweat, and tears that put each and every one of those fifty stars on our flag and now the incumbent has as a symbol of his campaign a flag with his political insignia instead of those fifty stars. The stripes are 'artistically' frayed at the edges but, in actuality, it  is more truth than design.

So many events have happened in the last four years that bring a lot of fear to many hearts. The push for the health care plan that was presented with lies, objected to by over 60% of the population, yet passed into law in spite of this supposedly being a Democracy. The powers that be that put this horror into place, however, are exempted from this plan. Makes you wonder.

Then, the president decided that conscience doesn't count and Catholics would have to fore go their religion and join in the mass killing of babies through abortion and contraception. We clearly are allowed freedom of religion . . . except where the president deems it not to be in his interests.

We get news of the recent upheaval in the Arab countries but rumor has it that more is going in with protests, etc. than is being allowed into the press. A representative of our country was brutally murdered and we find out that the embassy was insufficiently protected. The president kept blaming a video even after it was determined that it was a 9/11 planned event. An attack on American soil is considered a declaration of war and the American embassies are considered America. Instead of taking up he gauntlet in support of his country, the president works at appeasing the culprits and reducing the severity of the problem.

I think the new flag for his campaign shows the fact that he doesn't consider us fellow citizens but minions to do his bidding by way of his many executive orders and agendas. In claiming that we have not been the ones to build our lives and businesses, he leaves the option for takeover either by taxation or excessive regulations. Meanwhile, his wife is putting her nose into all the pots, pans, and refrigerators of the country and trying to tell us what we can and can't eat.

It has been acknowledged that we are, indeed, in trying times but all just have to tighten our belts like the first family probably did so on their 16-plus vacations paid for by our tax dollars.

The flag is just the 'political icing' on the the cake as it is egotistical but, if re-elected, he knows he has set the bar for just about anything he wants to inflict on this country.

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