Friday, September 14, 2012

Just when you thought it couldn't get any odder . . .

The first lady appeared on a daytime 'medical' show and said she felt that the major risk to our national security was . . . obesity! Uh, does she ever watch the news? Does her husband ever mention what is going on . . . depending on whether he has attended a briefing that day? Do the newspapers reflect nothing of the turmoil and violence in the world? Does this stem from . . . obesity? And, why has she made it her business to fight for legislation to govern what we decide to eat? The economy is sinking and she is worried about candy bars. The price of food goes up and she advocates fresh produce that isn't even available to every family. In a way, she is declaring her own war on women by chastising and wanting to change how we run our households. At this point in her life, does she even remember how to do that? This article spoke volumes about people speaking of which they do not understand yet want to change according to their unstudied perspective.,-Not-Radical-Islam,-is-the-Greatest-National-Security-Threat

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