Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Who started it?

I've found that no male really goes with a trend unless some female remarks on how 'cool' or 'hot' he looks in whatever he happened to throw on to wear that day. He was feeling in a sloppy mood, he got a compliment, and a fashion trend was born. I'd just like to know what female encouraged the baggy jeans with half the underwear covered rump showing on guys. Why? Okay, I'm out of that generation but what is handsome about one's pants falling below the hip or further  is attractive. And the style seems to circumvent any thoughts of modesty as the guys are constantly hiking up the falling pants without any thought of exposure. My husband saw some young man walking through the crosswalk at an intersection and his pants fell completely to the ground. With hardly breaking step, he yanked them up and kept going.

As someone said, once, it is like all the guys have had to resort to wearing their dad's clothing which are too big and the girls have had to resort to wearing their grade school sister's clothing which are too tight.

I'm waiting for some astute female to bring this fashion trend to a close by telling the first guy they come across that they look silly trying to live life while hanging on to their ever drooping jeans. That might put a stop to the over sized pants but you have to wonder what the next clothing trend will be . . . it might be worse!

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