Friday, August 3, 2012

Saving my soul, one moment at a time . . .

Like everyone else in the world, I have only 24 hours in each day and will have to account to God, some day, on how I used this gift of time. When I was a child, 24 hours was almost a life time. The older I get, the faster these minutes go and it is all to easy to find one's self years down a road you didn't realize you were traveling.

And, like everyone else in the world, there are a lot of chores that need accomplishing in the time alloted. Many times, the chores/requirements of our station in life are not all that pleasing to us. I, myself, am guilty of either avoiding said obligation or grumping to myself because I have no choice but to do the task. One day, I realized that eternity is going to be a lot longer than my 24-hour segments of time on earth. Every grace counts and knowing that anyone would be thrilled to reach Purgatory and realize they are slated, for sure, for Heaven, who wants to spend more time  there than necessary there?

When you break someone's window, they will forgive you BUT you still have to make reparation for the accident. Same with God, we ask for forgiveness and He gladly bestows it upon us, however, reparation is still due and that is what Purgatory is for - to finish off the reparation we didn't get done while on earth. That's why we offer up inconveniences and worse on earth to bring us into the Gates of Heaven as soon as possible.

I realized that one can work off bits and pieces of reparation by remembering one word - purgation! It can be a little as picking up someone else's clutter from the living room without saying a word. It is washing up dishes instead of hopefully waiting for someone else to do them. It is giving up your own, free time to help someone out. It is basically not inwardly sighing or snarling when your time and efforts are required. It is giving up a snack and going with the hunger until dinner. Lately, instead of muttering under my breath in anger/frustration, etc., I just think 'purgation' and offer it up. Okay, I still forget but it grows on you. Things get done without argument and you actually start being a nicer person to be around . . . and no one knows your 'secret' but they certainly enjoy the change!


  1. The purification or cleansing of someone or something.
  2. (in Roman Catholic doctrine) The spiritual cleansing of a soul in purgatory.

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