Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Not in my day . . .

The world has always been an interesting place. Change is constant and nothing is ever quite the same from day to day. We don't always notice this until there is a cumulative effect and the growing change is suddenly quite evident.

This kind of hit me suddenly as I was taking my son to college and I was talking to him about classes, teacher preferences, etc. and reminded him to make a note of all exits in the classroom and what to do if someone should go crazy and start shooting. This took me aback as I know my mother never had to even think about this when I was growing up! When my daughter and friends went to a late-night opening of a movie, earlier in the year, I wasn't very happy about the late hour or the crowds of people who just had to be there for the first showing of a film that would be out for weeks. It seemed to me that it was a perfect opportunity for a crazy person to do something stupid. Then the Colorado shooting happened . . . I prayed for the victims and their families and, like everyone else, was so glad it wasn't my children or their friends in that situation. The next time they went to the movies, after that, I reminded them about what to do it someone does something stupid like open fire in a crowded theater. Again, not something that even vaguely came to mind in my youth.

The world, as a whole, has a capacity for goodness and greatness and you have to wonder about the spreading pockets of random killings and such. Mother Theresa once said something to the effect that until we stop killing our unborn, there will be violence in the streets. I think God was speaking through her and sending us a message . . . One that many don't heed.

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