Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Who protects your freedoms?

All the uproar about a restaurant owner stating that he is in favor of traditional marriage has certainly brought out the nasty in a lot of people especially the Hollywood crowd. One, in particular, has gone from just disrespecting others' viewpoints to dismissing our military as people being on the 'dole'. I find that horribly offensive as these people fight our wars, put their lives on the line, suffer separation from their families in the line of duty, and live on salaries that are probably lower than what they could get in the public sector.

The amusing part is that while these unfeeling idiots are slamming the military, they never stop to realize that the fact that they are weathly and able to speak their mind on this is because our military fights in some way every day to preserve this freedom.

I guess one has to realize, however, that these types often feel that whatever offensive things they say comes under their freedom of speech rights while any opposition is just, plain mean-spirited.

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