Thursday, July 19, 2012

Somebody who?

"If you've got a business -- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." - Barack Obama

I find it horrifying that the president of this country would express an opinion like this. How else was this country built if not on the inspiration and hard work of people who wanted to make a difference and build a business? We are not all the same. Not everyone wants to work as hard as another. His speech basically told the less-inspired that they are the good guys and the successful people used them to get ahead. How dare he demean the blood, sweat, and tears  people go through to build a business from the ground up. And, how many of the people in his audience actually work for a business that was once just a dream? Did they stop to think that they are able to put food on the table because this business person's dream grew enough to hire people like him to work and earn an income? Why is working hard to get ahead such a crime in the eyes of the president? Does he really want a population of entitled people who are content with being cared for by the government rather than going out and becoming free, individual people? Excessive government intervention doesn't help a country, it merely diminishes the spirit of the people.

On another thought relating to this topic, the president, himself, didn't get here on his own, either, but he doesn't seem to want to answer to God on any level.

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