Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A New Low . . . ?

It seems that a group of Kindergarten children were prepared to sing God Bless the USA at some kind of event. The principal decided the song was not appropriate for American children to sing so substituted one by Justin Bieber dealing with dating, etc. In protest, children gathered in the school yard to sing the song they wanted to sing . . . and were actually heckled by Democratic grownups who tried to drown out their voices. In response, the children shouted them down with, "USA! USA! USA!"

Since when is singing and enjoying patriotic songs offense to any political party? How low for grownups to try and undermine a group of children. Kind of brings to mind, 'can't they pick on someone their own size?' One person actually said they should go sing on Republican property. So much for bipartisan efforts on any level.

Thought I'd share the video: http://dailycaller.com/2012/06/19/children-singing-god-bless-the-usa-heckled-by-man-screaming-burn-in-hell/

This is so sad that grownups want to refuse children the right to sing proudly about their country. What a bitter bunch of people are in this video. The first and loudest man was particularly sad. What about the USA and all the benefits he enjoys in this country doesn't he understand? Does he feel manly outshouting little children who are singing on school property? Sounds like the whole bunch should be rounded up and charged with being bullies because wasn't that just what they were doing - bullying children for no reason?

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