Saturday, May 26, 2012

A sad state of the world . . .

Where has common sense gone these days? I noted that a year or so ago our city was supposed to start building a Wal-Mart Super Center or whatevery they call the giant-sized versions of most everyone's favorite shopping haunt. The project went on indefinite hold as they say they can't build where they intended because we have to protect some rat, plants, and insects who hang around the proposed building site.

Immediately after reading that, the next article dealt with the unemployment problems in our city and what can we do about it? People are coming into the unemployment office several times a week, hoping to find a job. What could possibly be the solution . . .

Does anyone see the problem here? We are preserving a habitat for rats or whatever while humans go hungry and jobless? What happens if the majority of these critters decide to migrate somewhere else. Do we have a laison with the rat community so we will know when the property might become available?

I'm constantly amazed at the mind set of the world today where the good of humans is superceded by rodents or endangered weeds. Didn't God give man dominion over the animals in the Bible? Save a seal . . . or a rat, but don't worry about people. God can't be happy with our choices.

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