Friday, April 27, 2012

The voting booth is now open . . . WIDE open . . .

It is amazing to me that anyone can oppose checking ID when you go to vote. The only reason anyone would be against such a requirement is to perpetuate voter fraud. And you don't have to wonder much why anyone would want to insure uncaught voter fraud . . . in order to steal someone else's vote and stuff the ballot box with your choice to win an election unfairly.

I just read that the judges in Wisconsin are blocking the voter requirement in Wisconsion. Gosh, I wonder if it could do with the fact that they are trying to recall the governor and want to make sure they don't lose? What happened to one vote to each eligible person and the best man wins? From what I understand, Governor Walker has brought the state back from the brink yet greedy people who don't want to take cuts, etc., would rather cut off their noses to spite their faces than recognize the fact that something worked.

I imagine that we will be seeing more and more of this sort of behavior this November when our current administration may have to rely on tactics rather than a reasonable voting platform. So far, there isn't much to recommend a second term based on past performance.

The fact that the election might be swayed by improper voting won't keep me from the polls, however. Every vote counts and if we go to the voting booth with a good heart and a prayer, miracles happen in spite of human deceit and antics.

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