Sunday, April 29, 2012

Invincible ignorance?

A friend called me last night with her stomach in knots and her heart burdened by a confrontation she experienced at church, yesterday. Now, she attends what is considered an ultra-conservative parish with a pastor that adheres to the Rubrics and demands modest attire at Mass. You can imagine my friend's shock when she pulled into the parking lot and saw a car sporting a brand new obama bumper sticker!

My friend went into the church. She had come to help with the weekly cleaning. There were two very elderly ladies already at work. My friend said, "Ladies! I'm in shock. I can't believe what I just saw in the parking lot . . . at this parish!" Naturally, they were curious and my friend said, "Who in attendance at this parish would be supporting obama?" One lady immediately owned up and said, "That is my car and I'm proud of my support of obama." The other old lady piped in with, "Me, too!"

Now, my friend was really floored. She said, "But this president is adamantly in favor of abortion. He voted against the Born Alive Act when he was a senator. He rescinded all of President Bush's protections for the unborn within days of taking office." One of the women flatly stated, "You can't believe everything you read." The other one snarled, "I guess that means you won't want to clean the church with us now!"

My friend kindly said, "I came to clean God's house." and went about her work. It was with much sadness knowing that these elderly women hadn't done any research or even knew what they were voting for in  2008 and, obviously, how they were voting in 2012! Where have they been and what news have they been watching? Didn't they hear about the mandate against the Catholic Church? Have they bothered to read the health care reform which isn't good news for seniors? Don't they have children and grandchildren that can't find jobs because of all that has happened in the last three and a half years? Isn't their Catholic Faith supposed to come ahead of politics?

Besides being a dear friend, my friend called me because, as she put it, she understands more fully what I went through at my parish when several elderly ladies also got on my case when I said I wasn't voting for obama. To this day, they stick their noses in the air when they go past me into daily Mass yet they receive Communion. One of them did go as far as to say she would like to see where it was written that obama was in favor of abortion. I ran off his senate record as well as what he has done since president. I handed it to her, she stuffed it in her purse, and hasn't spoken to me since. "None so blind as those who will not see . . ."

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