Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tax Time . . .

It is amazing how easily we can be spoiled. Up until three years ago, I did the taxes for our family the old-fashioned way . . . paper and pencil and lots of hair pulling and frustration. I did, however, get them done in a timely manner. Three years ago, I tried one of the computer connected methods and was hooked. I do find it funny and have to laugh at myself when some information isn't readily available and I stomp off to look for it. Uh, I don't have to lift up a pencil, most of the work happens at the computer, and the program almost doesn't stretch my brain power to any painful degree.

Anyway, no quilting today but the taxes are in hand and we even get back a bit of a refund . . . which with three major bills coming up, will flow in and out of our checking account without leaving a mark. The Lord does giveth and He does allow it to be taken away! Still, we count our blessings.

Our proposed rain storm fizzed out and we are back to wind and sunshine. I get a close hand look at the weather changes now that I spend two mornings a week waiting for my son to get out of class. I usually sit in the car and crochet.

Chick, the runaway dog of yesterday, is still in the proverbial dog house and hasn't been allowed her time inside today. At least she has her twenty minutes of memories to think upon from her race down the street.

Hard to believe that with the weather going into Spring so forcefully, we are turning our minds to this year's garden, already. Now that we filled in the old swimming pool hole, we have a lot of extra ground to cultivate. I have two bags of frozen tomatoes from last year and am looking forward to fresh tomatoes, again.

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