Monday, February 6, 2012

Nothing like a library . . .

In our family, a library is a treat to visit and my children have grown up enjoying reading. My older son fought learning to read but once he got through the first book of HIS choice, there was no stopping him. His younger siblings basically taught themselves to read in order to find out what adventures each book had in store for them.

On our trip, we got to visit Littlecote House in Hungarford, England. One of our favorite places on the tour was the library. We took some time to just sit and think about the history of the place right down to when it was used by the military during the war and a intelligence center and such. It was amazing to be among the historical artifacts, some going back to the years of Henry VIII along with the rooms maintained as they had been during the war. As you can see, the library was beautiful and we were wishful of having permission to delve into some of the books
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