Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"Aborting' babies after delivery . . .?


The world just gets crazier and crazier and not in an amusing manner, either. All I can say is that a doctor who can 'abort' a baby after birth, is not a doctor I would trust with my life on any level. Where have the values of the world gone? How horribly the issue of abortion has come from limiting it to first trimester right up to killing a healthy baby delivered and breathing on his own. God is a merciful God but how would He rule when one of His creations is murdered for the sake of convenience. This article is scary because the issue seems to be growing.

When I was expecting my second child, the doctor talked me into having a blood test which, according to him, revealed my child would have an increased chance of being a Down's baby. We said we weren't interested in abortion and I just wanted to continue with the pregnancy with prayer and hope for the best course for this baby. The doctor decided it would be a good idea to have an ultrasound to check on the baby. I called the clinic for this and was told that they would schedule me for the ultrasound and reserve a subsequent appointment for a termination. I said I wasn't interested in an abortion and the nurse said they would keep the termination appointment open . . . just in case. No matter how I said I wasn't interested in an abortion, the nurse insisted on scheduling both appointments on the same day. I hung up and changed doctors. My baby was born without any health issues. I was so shocked at the pressure being applied, however, for someone just seeking medical attention for a pregnancy.

It is a proven myth that our world is not overpopulated yet the world seems intent in limiting our population resulting in  the loss of a valuable population for our future and a moral respect for life.

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