Friday, January 13, 2012

Where is the Pro-Choice in that?

Texas just passed a requirement that abortion clinics have to take and display to the expectant mother an ultrasound of their baby before proceding  with the abortion. Naturally, Planned Parenthood is filing a counter suit to remove this from the bill. You have to wonder why? Don't they claim they are there to help women during 'troubled' times? Why are they so against this supplement to their proposed 'care' of pregnant women? Why do they so fear the fact that a woman will hear a beating heart? Women have stated that if they had seen their baby via ultrasound, they would never have aborted the baby. Doesn't 'pro-choice' give the illusion that Planned Parenthood is anxious to support the choice of the mother? Obviously not as one official said that it confuses the issue of whether to abort or not. Oh, the fact that the mother might totally realize she is allowing a human life to be snuffed out is 'confusing the issue'? And, in refusing the abortion, there goes a hefty fee and, probably, federal funds. One of the Planned Parenthood people said that requiring the ultrasound is 'abhorrent'. Abhorrent to what? Abhorrent to their cash flow? Abhorrent to giving a woman a real choice? Abhorrent because it might turn a woman's heart and save a baby?

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