Monday, January 2, 2012

Time Makes Contrasts . . .

I was sorting through our vacation pictures of what is already last year and realized how time provides so many drastic contrasts in our lives. One of our favorite visits was to Utah Beach. My son had read the history and we had viewed the movies about that long-needed invasion. Yet, when we stood on that very beach, it was a beautiful day with hardly another person in sight. We spent a lot of time just staring out and imagining that misty morning when so many soldiers came ashore to help bring about the end of the war. My son stood on the beach, just about as old as some of those soldiers and there was no way I could imagine my child in battle uniform doing what all those soldiers did so many years ago now. The once war-torn beach is just a beautful beach. It was hard to line up what we were seeing with a battle scene with bullets flying, men dying . . . I am blessed to have the contrast be my son just standing there absorbing by gone history rather than being a part of it. A lot of prayer needed for this world of ours or we may face some contrasts in the years to come that will not be so tranquil.
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