Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A scenario to try out for size . . .

Here is the scenario:

You have a wonderful friend. The only 'problem' with the friend is that if he is handed a gun, he will immediately begin shooting people. However, he can be in a room full of guns and will never pick one up himself. The only way he can use a gun is if it is handed to him.

Well, one day you decide to see for yourself if this story is really true. You hand the friend a loaded gun and he begins to shoot at every person that comes within range. Hiding behind a a protective barrier, you find you are amazed to realize that the friend truly would shoot and kill people if given the chance.

Eventually, in my made-up scenario, your friend is apprehended and the shooting stops and all that is left are wounded and dead people. You shake your head over the waste and destruction of human life.

Stop to think about it . . . Who is actually a part of this shower of deadly bullets? Would he have done this horrible deed if he had not been handed the gun? And, most importantly, who put the gun into his hand, knowing that he would use it?

Isn't this a lot like the 2008 election? We had a candidate running for office who was quite openly and adamantly in favor of death . . . the death of the unborn baby. One of his big contributors was Planned Parenthood. Even if he had never said a word, his voting record for the short time he was in the Senate spoke volumes of his point of view on the matter of the preborn. He was in favor of abortion and partial-birth abortion. He even stated he would never want his daughters burdened with an unwanted baby.

Now we are outraged at the turn of events during the last four years. Within days of getting into office, all of President Bush's restraints on abortion and embryonic testing were rescinded. Just recently, he signed a mandate that would require all employers, Catholic/Christian or not, to cover all the medical procedures that result in the death of innocent babies at their most delicate stage of life.

A look at the voting results shows that the election got major support from Catholics and Christians. Those votes put this man into office. Since it wasn't any secret that the wannabe-presidential candidate was in favor of everything anti-life, what moved these people of faith to place their vote and the lives of untold future babies into his hands?

Thinking back on the little scenario with the gun, do you see a like situation? Like the friend with the 'gun problem', a president can only act on such things if handed the 'power'. Who handed him the power by way of their vote to see if he would use it?

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