Saturday, January 14, 2012

No rock by the river for me today!

The bad side is that our washer cannot be easily or reasonably repaired. Age has something to do with it - the washer not me! The good side is that the local home supply store not only had washers on sale but an additional 10% off so we got a good deal. To sweeten the adventure, the desired washer was in stock and it fit in the back of our van so we didn't have to wait or pay for delivery. Right now, stalwart husband and helpful son are busy setting it up for me. I and my cracked and sore hands are most grateful to not have to hand scrub clothing today. Two days of playing pioneer woman at the kitchen sink was enough for me. I'm a modern, spoiled housewife!

Now, my morning is dedicated to figuring out the grocery list and planning a basic menu for the week. I don't do too much detail work on that because we often find that what sounded good today, doesn't appeal to us by Monday. I get basic supplies and usually go with the current inspiration. I do keep onions, garlic, pasta, and potatoes on hand at all times. Cheese is a second requirement. With just that, I can get through a meal preparation. We have cut back on our meat consumpting and have discovered we don't really need that much in a serving to be satisfied.

It is always interesting to reflect back on how we prepared and ate ten years ago and the changes today. I know I don't use much in the way of prepared, packaged items anymore. We always have plenty of fruit and vegetables in the house. If we need bread, I bake some. I used to use a lot of coupons on my shopping trips but am actually saving more now that I follow the sales and cook to match what I have on hand. Coupons still come in handy for dish soap, detergent, bath soaps, and deodorant. Often, however, the items for those products can be cheaper getting the ones on sale than even using the coupons on a stated brand.

This evening, I'm treating the family to an oven-baked pot roast. Ever since I've discovered browning the roast and then roasting it on a bed of diced onions, garlic, and vegetables, I'm sold on the method. The meat juices and cooked vegetables in the bottom of the pan blend into a terrific gravy without the need for flour or further use of butter or fat. Hey, I might go crazy and even make a dessert since I don't have the kitchen sink full of dirty laundry to do. I'm blessed!

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