Sunday, January 15, 2012

No More Homeschooling . . .

The community college classes begin this week and my youngest is out of the home school classroom and heading for a college class. He is a quiet but independent kid but I had sort of looked forward to seeing him off on his first day. Sigh . . . A friend offered to drive him over and the independence just went up another notch.

Still, with the government abuses/problems on both the federal and state level, there were almost more students than available classes for the Spring Semester. My son could only get into one class but that is one better than the disappointment of the Fall Semester. Now that he is a registered student taking a class, he should get a better sign up date for the summer session.

God was good as the only class he could get was History and History is is favorite subject. Our pastor did warn him, however, that what is often taught in the public sector isn't always how it happened. Given my son's already vast reading on the subject, he shouldn't be too tainted by inaccuracies in his class.

It is hard to believe that I'm through with homeschooling and selling off my books and supplies. I'm not sure when I will stop feeling guilty about the spare time I now have to myself! I'm afraid the whole world might get quilted if I'm given more sewing time. I've diluted the sewing with crocheting in the evenings now. I have gotten to the assembly part on my crocheted granny square afghan. I have a lot of leftover yarn so plan to work ahead for Christmas selling and make scarves. I do have a quilt in the works for one of my daughters. You can't separate me from the fabric cupboard too long a time. I'm almost getting desperate for a trip to the fabric warehouse but updating the central air and replacing the washer have to be dealt with first.

The break in the Spring weather has been nice. It didn't rain this morning so we had time to be with our friends and pastor after Mass. The drizzles started down a couple of hours ago. It isn't too intense, just enough to make itself known.

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