Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Saving a trip to the store . . .

This is the second time I've tried this and my family has said this should be the only way I prepare lasagna now. I think I've mentioned it before, but instead of buying the packages lasagna noodles at the store, I make my own. It takes a little bit more effort but everyone says it tastes better . . . cheaper, too.

Making pasta dough is easy . . . flour and eggs. I usually go with 4-5 cups flour and 3-4 eggs. On dry days, you might need more eggs. It's a very forgiving recipe as your aim is a workable dough. I have my tomato/meat/spinach sauce at the ready. The cheeses are shredded and standing by. I divide the dough into as many layers as I want and then start rolling! You need a good amount of flour for rolling the sticky dough out. You try for a rectangular shape and cope with what you roll out. You just layer with the filling, cheeses, and layers of dough as you proceed. Top with extra cheese and bake at 350 until bubbling and hot. That was my main dish for our party, last night, and that is what disappeared the fastest.

What I like about making my own egg noodle dough is I can use the organic eggs that have less cholesterol in them. And, I never have to fret at the last minute, discovering I forgot to buy lasagna noodles when I went shopping. Between the flour bin and the eggs in the refrigerator, I'm ready to cook.

I also like to make this dough and cut it into wide noodles and simmer in chicken soup. The noodles take less than five minutes to cook through and really make a plain bowl of soup pretty special.

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