Monday, December 12, 2011

My kid is officially a college student . . . !

I'm exhausted, this morning, but staying up until one minute after midnight to get a jump on enrolling my son in college classes paid off. We only got one class but we got one which is 100 percent better than our efforts in trying to get a class for the Fall semester! The college has an intricate computer site but, as always, it gave me fits in trying to access it.

When I tried to log in, it told me the password had expired. I changed the password and it told me I wasn't allowed to change the password. Twenty minutes later, it suddenly decided it liked the password chosen and I was in! If I hadn't gone through the frustration of trying for every class available and coming up empty-handed, I might have been disappointed with my early-morning efforts but I was thrilled that we got the last place for a history class for the Spring semester. History is my son's favorite subject so we figured it was going to be a good starting place in going from home schooling into secular college classes.

I had dreams of taking care of the enrollment in a matter of minutes and getting to bed shortly after midnight. Didn't get to sleep until 1:48 not that I was watching the clock or anything! And, yes, I got up at my usual 5:15 so we could get to morning Mass and be thankful my son finally got his proverbial foot in the door at the college.

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