Thursday, December 1, 2011

Another Day of Baking . . .

Just finished another day of baking for Christmas. Tried a few new ideas this time around. Yes, I draw up lists and, yes, I often do everything except what I originally planned for the day. The top, left picture is of Sour Cream Twists. This is a yeast dough cookie with absolutely no sugar in the dough but the dough is rolled out, folded, rolled out, etc. to form sugar layers.

The top, right, is a new idea! I used the Crispy Oatmeal recipe but added 1 2/3 cups of cinnamon chips to it. It is interesting, almost like eating a bowl of oatmeal.

The bottom left are the chocolate-apricot cookies heading for the oven. They are very fudgy with a fruity tang from the dried apricots. They came about because I had two, leftover egg whites and noticed this recipe called for just that amount. Waste not, want not . . .

The last picture has a basic chocolate chip cookie recipe divided in half. One half had chocolate and peanut butter chips. The second half was mixed with peppermint and chocolate chips. Both are two favorite flavor combinations in our family.

The kitchen is clean, again. The cookies are packed away in the freezer. There is a plate on the table with one of each type I made today for my husband's culinary inspection. He likes Christmas baking and trying whatever I come up with while he is at work. It's his treat after a long day at the office!
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