Monday, November 7, 2011

You have to wonder . . .

I'm prolife and realize that each person, outside the womb, can make that choice for themselves. Even though I don't agree with abortion, we all do have freedom of choice. I do  have to wonder about companies and business that support abortion so adamantly. I have to wonder if they have thought it through. They donate heavily to Planned Parenthood yet their individual businesses rely on . . . people to prosper. Isn't that rather counterproductive to good business?

To eventually complicate their profit line further, many people do their best to avoid purchasing products that support Planned Parenthood. Seems these CEO's haven't done the ultimate math. They donate money to Planned Parenthood with no specifications for the most part on how it will be spent. Planned Parenthood is the biggest of abortion providers which is a good indication of where donations end up. Prolife people stop purchasing the products of the donor businesses. Their profit margin will eventually go down. The aborted babies will never grow up to buy their products. Two negative results will not add up to a positive outcome.

I'm always intrigue about the family-oriented companies that support the abortion mentality. Uh, aren't their customers people? Don't they need people to marry, have children, and support their businesses?

In my simplistic view, children are a major part of economic security. Children are the future and we need  new working forces to support the aging ones. When abortion is the law of the land, respect for any life is minimilized. It is a sad country that doesn't find joy in every child God allows to be conceived. He always has a reason and humans should stop trying to control it on human terms. God has probably sent us untold great people with the answer to some of our problems. How many have been sent back to Him, unwanted and unappreciated?

In my own life, I've been insulted to my face because I had more than the worldly allotment of two children. I've actually been told that I couldn't handle two much less four. When I miscarried one of my babies at four months, someone said it was a blessing.

I'm prolife. Yes, everyone has the free will to make a choice. However, when God confirms that the lives He begins at conception are children from day one, there is going to be a lot of shocked, surprised, repentant souls on Judgement Day.

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