Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Windy days . . . again!

Around midnight, the infamous Santa Ana winds made themselves known arriving with a sudden blast. Even realizing what it was, the noise of the wind produces restless sleep. My poor husband had a four-day weekend but lost out on the caught-up sleep with the wind last night.

The wind has been worse so I was able to get my morning walk around the church before Mass this morning. It is a nice part of my personally-devised exercise program which I thoroughly enjoy. On a good day, I can get around the property five to six times. It is also a good time to remember sending thanks to God that I'm able to make the daily walk and to appreciate the daily changes in the weather and scenary. Once in awhile, other people will join me on the walk. I enjoy both having the company and having the solitary time to myself.

Father's sermon dealt with remembering thank God for what is sent our way. It was in line with me and my morning walk as he mentioned that the weather is changing from day to day and we should welcome the colder mornings as well as the more temperate ones because they are all gifts from God. He said something to the effect that if we are alive to witness the day, we should thank God and enjoy the variations of our days.

My husband is back to work, my chores are done, and my ironing board is set up in anticipation of some sewing today. My daughter contacted her brother on Skype to ask me to call her cell phone as she had misplaced it at college. I guess I was the monitoring device. I called, she found, and we didn't have to break it to her Dad that she had just gone through a second phone in as many months. See? Lots to give thanks for and the day has just started! :-)

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