Sunday, November 6, 2011

My Secret (?) Recipe . . .

This appears at all my parties. Since we don't host that many parties, our usual guests seem to look forward to it. It is a hot dip that is good with tortilla chips, on fresh vegetables, or on pieces of crisp toast. Most people seem to have a version of their own so, perhaps, this will just be a timely reminder to dig out your own recipe and treat the family.

Chili Hot Cheese Dip
1 block of processed cheddar cheese, cubed
Canned chilies, your choice on the heat!
1/2 cup canned chicken broth

This is a good recipe for the crock pot. I usually let the chicken broth get hot before adding the cubed cheese and chilies. Keep it on low, stir ever so often until hot and melted. Put out surrounded by dipping items and set on warm. Of all the things I prepare for a get together, this one usually doesn't provide any leftovers.

The blocks of processed cheese usually come in two sizes. I go for the large one but just adjust things according to what you decide to use.

Swiss Cheese Dip
3 cups shredded Swiss cheese
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup white wine
Freshly grated black pepper

Mix the cheese with the flour so it is dusted throughout. Bring the wine to a simmer either on the stove, in the crock pot, or in a fondue pot. Slowly stir in the cheese and keep stirring until it is melted and smooth. Too thick? Add a bit more wine. Grate some pepper over the top and set out for your family/guests.

Ideas for dipping . . .
Broccoli, cauliflour, crisp green beans are all great for either of the dips listed.
Toasted chunks of sturdy bread is especially good with the Swiss version.
Rounds of warm, cooked sausage goes well.

Don't forget that you can serve items for spooning the dip over like chips, slices of just cooked potatoes, a bowl of perfectly cooked baby potatoes, etc.

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