Friday, October 14, 2011

Still shaking my head over the latest and greatest from our State Government . . .

It is still hard to wrap my head around the fact that our governor has signed into law a bill that allows our children, twelve and older, to make medical decisions for themselves regarding vaccines. Not only can they obtain these injections without our consent ot knowledge, the manufacturer is not going to be held responsible for any side effects which could include disability and death. Sure, you are thinking to yourself, my child hates shots and would never ask or or allow herself to get an injection. I'm thinking the government has already thought this out and peer pressure or bribes might be in the works to get as many of our children under this new, liberal agenda.

In a way, it is amusing that in the State of California, children who suffer ill effects from fresh milk (from the cow not the store) can sue the company/farm that produces this. We have to ban soft drinks from school grounds because we can't trust our children to make the right decision on what they drink. Many school lunch programs are mandatory because we can't trust children to bring a healthy lunch to school. We can't even allow them chocolate milk because it is 'bad for them'. Yet, the politicians think these same children are equipped to make an informed decision about a vaccine injected into their bodies.

And, why does the world think parents are unable to make personal decisions about their own children? Even before this law was passed, many of us have run into interference at the doctor's office over Gardasil. At my daughters' last check up, it was brought up and the friendly atmosphere cooled down a whole lot when I politely said we would like to wait until more research is done on this vaccine. Another friend said the nurse recommended the vaccine and when she turned it down, she came back with another nurse who mentioned a whole lot of sexual reasons to get her daughter injected. My friend did not appreciate this nurse and stranger speaking of such things in front of her innocent daughter.

You get  apprehensive these days as you see so many of our rights as private citizens being eroded away in favor of government control. The people I know and myself have successfully raised our children to young adulthood without government 'help' yet the government keeps coming up with ways to tell us 'how to do it right'.

Prayer is our weaspon and until everyone puts this kind of occurance in our world on a daily prayer petition, we stand a good chance of being swallowed up in governmental red tape and rules.

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