Thursday, October 13, 2011

Doggy Disappointment . . .

Our dog, Chick, has an amazing sense of direction. Whenever we take her out for a long walk, she always knows when the direction heads back home. At the moment, she gets extremely stubborn and it isn't unusual for my son to have to carry her home, again.

Today, I was finishing up dinner preparations and my son decided to take Chick for a quick walk before we stay down for the meal. I got busy with last-minute things and was amazed to discover that son and dog had been gone for 30 minutes. I got a bit worried but hopefully figured they were having a great walk and went further than intended. When it got to be 45 minutes, I grabbed my keys and drove around the neighborhood looking for them. Twice around and no sight of them and I'm getting a bit on the motherly frantic side. I swing around our house to make sure they didn't arrive home and wonder where I was. Nope, no sign of them there. On my third trip around the area, I spotted the both of them two blocks down. As I approached, I saw that Chick was standing in a big puddle of water with a stubborn look on her face. My son was trying to coax her out but she just kept staring straight ahead. I pulled up along side and my son looked very relieved.

It turns out that when my son headed her down the street towards our house, Chick knew the walk was over and sat down and wouldn't move. My son decided to retrace their steps back, go down a few blocks and then veer down another street and head for home from an area Chick wasn't as familiar with. The moment he tried to make the turn, she sat down and wouldn't move. Not sure how she ended up standing in the puddle but she happily climbed into the back of the van. She doesn't get many car rides and knows they always take her somewhere exciting . . . like the vet's where she can bark at other dogs.

We pull into the garage, open the back of the van, and Chick beams as she begins to take in the 'new' surroundings. We both burst out laughing when the beaming abruptly left her face as she realized she had been tricked in returning home, afterall. One guess who is not getting a walk tomorrow?
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