Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Another Christmas Craft Idea for the Children . . .

It seems that when my children were younger and excited about Christmas approaching, they would want to make presents for everyone. Since they had no visible means of income, they were always at a loss once mom said she could/would not hand over bundles of cash for them to go shopping!

We always, however, have a habit or tradition of packing away the Christmas cards we receive with the decorations at the end of Christmas. Turns out it was a good idea in more ways than one. I could sit the children down with the pretty cards and all the items they would need to make bookmarks. With a little help from the presiding parent, they could make gifts for friends and families.


lightweight cardboard
sequins, lace scraps, ribbon bits, etc.
marker pens
last year's Christmas cards, Holy Cards
clear contact paper
yarn pieces
hole punch
(some adult supervision!)

Cut out cardboard approximately two by six inches. Decorate each bookmark with the sequins, lace or ribbon bits. Or, you could combine them with a cut out from a Christmas card. Use the markers to enhance your designs or put on a message.

Cover the decorated paper with the contact paper Put a hole with the hole punch at the top and in the middle of the bookmark Tie yarn through the hole to form a tassel

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