Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday Morning Musings . . .

Every time we have an earthquake or storm, people pipe up with, "This is a sure sign that the End Times have started!" Seems to me that we have had an awful lot of storms and disasters so which one of them was the beginning of the End Times?

I remember learning about Adam and Eve and how they lived out their lives for the promise of a Savior. How many thousands of years went by before Jesus did arrive, as promised, to die on the cross to save us? In my humble opinion, I think the waiting for the End Times began the moment Jesus was crucified because that suffering and death brought us the promise of eternal life . . . but still left us with a lot of living to do through the ages. When Jesus Christ went back to Heaven, He promised to come again on the last day. Seems we should look back at history and practice patience because the fulfillment of God's promise to send a Savior happened in His own time . . . as will the End Times. As mere humans, we are being kind of smug in annointing each and every disaster as the beginning of the End Times as the only way we will know the conclusion is when it happens. Millions of people have already faced their personal End Times so we might  consider the practicality of concentrating on our individual part in the world and do the best we can so we will be at the hand of the just when the End Times do catch up with the human race.

Just my moderate musings of the morning!

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