Sunday, September 4, 2011

Passing Seasons . . .

September is always an interesting time of the year. The garden starts sharing seasons and you can see the tomato plants struggling to produce a last crop while the citrus trees start mellowing out their fruit. Although tomatoes are a great favorite, I'm extremely partial to oranges and lemons. Fresh lemonade is good with just about any lemon but made with lemons fresh from the tree . . . No words to describe it, you just enjoy it.

September is also my husband's turning point of the year as he has less to fuss with the fading garden but gets to start planning and dreaming about how he is going to make his garden next year.

I have to laugh as the neighbor behind us. He is a do-it-yourself kind of guy with no respect for the requirements of the building code. It will be interesting to see how he can ever sell his house as he has so many self-made code violations going on. He goes through phases as evidenced by the dank and empty fish pond he started several years ago. He has added onto his house both in the front and back - way too close to the rest of the houses in the area - code violations. His most recent 'addition' was to extend air conditioning to his illicit room extension. It is most lovely with a huge swamp cooler balanced on the edge of the room and the duct work snaking across the outside of his roof. He has a large citrus garden but never picks the fruit. Fortunately for us, he doesn't trim his trees, either, so we enjoy the fruits of his lemon tree that hangs way over into our yard. His lemons ripen at a different time of the year so it is a win/win situation for us. His tree looks a little sad at the moment as there are many beautiful lemons out of reach that will never be enjoyed by anyone.

We have our dwarf lemon and orange tree and they are our pampered plants. The lawn can go unmown and I won't say a word but I do nag about whether or not my citrus trees have gotten their feeding yet.
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