Sunday, August 7, 2011

Quilt Day Production . . .


I actually made some inroads in my backlog of quilting projects on Friday. I would have preferred starting on a new idea but did the 'brave' thing and worked on completing the ones taking up space on my fabric shelf.

My daughter mentioned there is going to be a series on PBS in the Fall about quilting's history, it's art, and it's place in the world . . . something to that effect. Sounds interesting. Perhaps, I'll find out exactly where my niche is in this craft . . . or not. I'll probably just keep on keeping on with my own ways mostly.

A chocolate cake is cooling on the counter awaiting it's peanut butter frosting. My husband had to work on a Sunday so I figured he deserved something special for the evening. The chicken is still defrosting and it's outcome, as of right now, remains a mystery to even me, the cook!
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