Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Good News . . . and the rest of the story . . .

For the first time in ages, my husband has a four-day weekend. A year or so ago, his office went on a 4/10 week which has made life sort of a misery for hm and for us as he isn't home for dinner three nights a week and has late hours for the other day. We don't complain as a job is a precious commodity these days. I heard that we have a 12 percent unemployment rate in our state. Anyway, the four-day weekend doesn't come totally unencumbered - we have house repairs on Monday and Tuesday which will take most of both days.

This is also one of those good news/bad news scenarios as the improvements will make our house more marketable in the event we ever want to sell and move but it will strain the budget for the next few months. It will be interesting . . . At first, it didn't sound too awful as the workmen only need access to the vents in each room. Uh, our vents are over or under items that will need moving! Since the duct work in these vents hasn't been moved in over 30 years (the age of the house), I can only imagine what else will come through with them. My daughter, a ceramics major in college has also blessed some of the furniture that needs moving with examples of her work . . . lots of examples of her work which will need moving, too.

 I'm hoping that my corner of the kitchen will be left alone so I can get some quilting/sewing done. I actually have a few orders for tote bags to complete and I sure can't do much else with workmen and dust invading the house for two days. I actually got towards the completion stage on two pending quilt project but, and you guessed it, I got an idea for another one and just had to put the idea to fabric immediately so as not to forget the inspiration. Hey, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I was happy, however, to get some tote bag order so I had to take a break and work on something else.

 It has been over 100 degrees the last few days but the weatherman has promised a cooling trend. Meanwhile, things sure are heating up on the campaign trail as politician work so hard to lie their way into our hearts, grab out vote, and then recklessly spend our tax money. It will be interesting to see what the end result of the 2012 elections will be. Here is hoping and praying that the 65% Catholic vote, actually votes with Catholic principles in mind and doesn't advocate another adamand abortion-minded politician into office. I'm tired of liberal Catholics telling me that 'I have to look at the big picture'. Hard to do that past the vision of innocent, dead babies.

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