Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Busy Weekend Approaches . . .

My husband got the lucky 'ticket' and has jury duty coming up next week. Although he will not get docked in pay from his job for his absence, he does have to adjust his work schedule to get in enough hours in spite of the jury duty which means he has the fun of working Saturday and Sunday, too. I try not to complain too much as a job is a precious thing in our current economy.

The bumper crop of tomatoes from our garden had me hanging over a huge pot of spaghetti sauce yesterday. The tomatoes were so ripe that another day would have gotten them spoiled and I hate to waste food. It was worth it as we enjoyed a spaghetti dinner and now have four containers of homemade sauce in the freezer. Today, the last bowl of tomatoes get sliced up, tossed with olive oil, chopped garlic, and salt and somewhat dried in a slow, 250 degree oven for about three hours. The house will start smelling like an Italian restaurant. I freeze these tomatoes and use them for seasoning. They are actually quite addicting just to munch on when they are fresh from the oven.

A lot of work got done on my two quilts in progress. I picked up a free quilt pattern at the store, yesterday, and am now mulling over how to make that one. I will try and restrain myself and keep to the task at hand . . . but what are the chances. The older I get, the more anxious I am about gettting everything done in this world even while knowing it won't really matter in the next! Human nature . . .

I'm already thinking ahead to holiday baking. We have a family of seven over for Thanksgiving every year which I really enjoy. Our collective children call themselves the cousins and we have a good time eating and being together. I already have several homemade Christmas gifts near completion. I'm trying to go more with homemade gifts. So far, I have three shawls and two quilts just about done. Need to make a few more tote bags and hope to get some Lady of Guadeloupe Christmas stockings done. I like to keep religion in Christmas!

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