Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Almost two quilts later . . .

As promised, the air conditioning people were done early today. They vacuumed up their debris and showed us how to operate the new unit. Let me tell you, things have changed a lot on this type of machine from 30 years ago! Go figure, huh?

Since they were in and out of all the rooms in the house, I only had my sewing corner to hang out in along with my sewing machine, fabric, quilt patterns . . . Well, as you can discern, it was a really terrible day for me . . .not! Nothing like having a legitimate excuse to do nothing but sew all afternoon. I finally finished the quilting on one quilt and have the final pinning done on a second one.

Dinner is cooking and I even had time to peel, slice, and prepare today's harvest of tomatoes for the freezer. Rice cookers are a blessing as the rice is taking care of itself and giving me a few minutes to catch up on the rest of the day.

The new air conditioning unit is set at 80 degrees which might sound too warm but given the fact that we have made due with 85-90 degrees in the house, we are very happy. Hey, it even has a finder feature if we misplace the remote control for the thermostat.

I was amazed to hear about the relatively big earthquaked experience by the East Coast area. I have friends and relatives on that side who have always told me, "Oh, how can you bear living in California with all those earthquakes!" There was also a quake in Colorado the day before. If it is God getting fed up with our world, one can hardly blame Him!

I was talking to a friend, today. We were bemoaning the fact that our 'babies' were already back at college and our houses way too quiet. I wondered how we could possibly be the mothers of such old children. She told me that children age faster than parents. It made sense to me.

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