Sunday, July 3, 2011

Where have all the Christians gone . . .

Life presents interesting stories. A friend shared with me that she could no longer associate with a family because they had gone much too conservative for her tastes and she was afraid of the impact on her family regarding matters of Faith and religion. I found that odd because it often seems that kindness should be in line with being conservative. I heard that the now-banned conservative friend was very hurt and dropped any friendships that were connected in any way with the less-than conservative family.

I was amazed, amused, and shocked because they were all of the same religion. They just had different approaches. It seemed like they were saying my God likes it done this way and refused to include a Christian approach.

It gets better (or worse?) as the less-conservative family got more and more into their Faith going into the conservative mode.  They, now, dropped friends they determined to be not conservative enough! So, now we have several families not talking/associating with each other over . . .God? The funny thing is that all of them are pretty much on the same page regarding their viewpoint on religion yet are too stubborn to acknowledge this and have forfeited good people in their lives.

I can't help but wonder how all these people figured God into this conclusion they reached? How did they decide that we are all not made in the likeness of God and have the same possibilites of the next person?

I, sometimes, think about all these people  and feel sad about all the sharing and caring of which they have deprived themselves. The problem with such outspoken behavior is one can never really go back and reconnect the friendships, again. The trust is gone and you would always wonder if something you say or do is being judged again.

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