Sunday, July 31, 2011

Rain in Sunny California?


What a surprise to us and, probably, the weatherman, to hear the patter of large raindrops come falling down this morning. Yes, we saw some clouds on our drive, yesterday, but clouds in California are known to taunt and tease and then leave without sharing a drop of water. Kind of refreshing to half a touch of coolness in the air although the heat still keeps things a bit steamy.

Meanwhile, things are still hot and heavy in Washington DC as our elected officials continue to do things their way rather than think about the people who gave them the power to represent them. Seems to me that these people need a basic lesson in bookkeeping. When the money is gone, you don't spend any more. If we max out our credit cards and can't make payments, it is unlikely that the bank will continually up our credit ceiling. Eventually, everyone wants to be paid back and increasing our spending just doesn't do that. I guess our senators and congressmen are using 'new math'.

I always 'love' it when they think the solution is overtaxing the wealthy. You are supposed to be taxed on income not on what you are worth. Besides, why should people who are really go-getters pay more because they ARE ambitious? Who is more likely to start a business or help fund a new business . . . which would hire people who need jobs. I heard someone talking about the flat tax where it is an across the board percentage no matter your income group. Naturally, the less wealthy do not want a dime for every dollar taken from their income and would prefer twice a much come from a rich person. That's only fair? So much entitlement mentality these days.

I used to overly fret about all that I couldn't immediately change. Had to learn that prayer and constructive use of my vote at election time is my best bet . . . and then leave it to God. Uh, sure hope God doesn't mind some of the suggestions I might send His way!
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