Saturday, June 4, 2011

The quilting germ is seeping through the jet lag!

I can tell the jet lag is seeping away as I'm turning my mind towards my fabric stashes and starting to think about quilting, again! I haven't gotten an inspirational 'push' yet but the desire is definitely here so can an idea be far behind?

I have a couple of quilts that need some final stitches so I figure that once I pull them out and thread a needle, it will activate the energy levels and get me thinking. The suitcases are unpacked and stored and even though my son and I are still getting up at four every morning, we are on the 'road' to local time recovery.

I have come to realize, however, that there are too many crafts to try in the world and definitely not enough time. My older daughter has figured this out and limits herself to painting, pottery, and cartooning. She is crocheting a scarf for her winter months at college which celebrates a much colder climate. Being an art major, she likes to be different. The scarf is about ten inches wide and going to be very long. Naturally, it is a multitude of colors. One of her teachers remarked on what she wears to class so she took his remarks into account and started wearing mismatched socks just to annoy him. Talk about your passive/aggressive personality!

My other college daughter cut her own hair and I'm pretty sure I CAN wait to see the results of that experiment.

Meanwhile, I've finished my breakfast (you have a lot of time to do that when you get up and dressed for the day by four in the dark a.m.) and have to turn my attention towards heading out to morning Mass. Because of the travel schedule on the trip, I wasn't able to get to even Sunday Mass so am relishing getting back into my usual daily Mass lifestyle.

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