Sunday, June 26, 2011

Potato Pancake Day!

Okay, so we don't exactly have a day to celebrate having potato pancakes but three out of the four of us currently at home like them very much. I recently started serving them with a stew of beef, onions, and carrots. To add to the interest, I place a slice of Provolone cheese on each potato pancake while it is hot and then ladle on the stew mixture. It was an instant favorite. The family now watches the leftovers because that is where I make this particular potato pancake.

I like the shredded, raw potato pancakes, too, but enjoy having something to cook that uses up the mashed potato leftovers. Okay, okay, enough torture! I have started throwing a couple of extra potatoes in the pot to insure we have leftovers!

The hot weather is settling in more definitely so any meal that can be cooked entirely on the stove, is considered extra tasty.

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