Saturday, June 18, 2011

Frustration . . .

Although I have a good amount of varied quilting fabrics, why is it that someone always requests a specific pattern that can no longer be found? Yes, I have a small amount of the desired fabric but not enough to complete two projects. I figured I would probably use it for accent fabric somewhere down the road. When I was asked about this particular fabric, I figured a thorough Internet search just might turn it up in some forgotten corner of the world but no luck. Sigh . . .

On the bright side, I am just about done with two of the quilts being used for Christmas gifts as well as one that just got started because I happened to like the scrap fabrics I had on hand. Personally, my favorite quilts are the ones made from bits and pieces of leftover fabric. I have two containers of saved remnents and hope and pray I have enough years to get them all incorporated into pretty quilts. Unfortunately, I keep making more scraps with every new project. Not sure if I want to live to be 150 years old!

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