Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Visiting with Abraham Lincoln!

In February, my husband and I were waiting for a seat at a restaurant. I glanced around when I felt someone approach and it was . . . Abraham Lincoln! Okay, it was a gentlemen dressed exactly like Mr. Lincoln complete with hat, carpet bag and beard. I smiled and joked that he should have sent his secret service ahead to clear the way for him. He immediately gave me an interesting history lesson on how the secret service in HIS day guarded the treasury while the sheriff watched out for him. We talked while we waited to be seated and then asked if he'd like to join us for lunch. He did and we had the most interesting hour and a half lunch ever. The food at the restaurant was awful and my husband remarked to me later that it was the worst lunch he ever enjoyed so much given the company.

This gentleman is a Lincoln presenter and has been doing this for over 30 years. He was so genuine that I hesitated to bring up the assassination lest I bring up bad memories! He gave us his card and my husband decided to see if he could arrange to have him come for an event at his place of employement - the library. My husband is in charge of arranging programs.

So, this coming weekend, Mr. Lincoln WILL be there and I'm looking forward to seeing him again AND his presentation. To make it an even better day, two friends and their children are coming along. To sweeten the deal, we hope to have some frozen yogurt afterwards!

You never know how the world presents itself from a chance meeting in a restaurant line!

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