Sunday, April 24, 2011

Rainy days . . . and Sundays . . . and Easter!

We did not wake up to a sunny Easter Day but it was a crowded Easter Mass and we can only hope some of the once-a-year Catholics found something to come back for on 'regular' Sundays of the year!

A quiet Easter with just a part of our family here to share it with us. College tends to age children and they want to go off on their own or stay over the weekend at college. We do have to be thankful that they are happy and doing well but the mommy in miss certainly misses the delighted screams of an Easter Egg hunt. You think if I tell the two who are home that one of the plastic eggs has a $50 bill in it, they will go along with an Easter Egg hunt? I didn't think so, either. Sigh . . .

To give everyone a holiday, including me, we are having ham for dinner. I like a meat that requires little fussing and still comes out great. I'm baking it on a bed of roughly chopped onion, garlic, carrots, and celery. Before residing on said nest, the ham will be rubbed with a mixture of brown sugar, dry mustard, pepper, and a bit of chili flakes. After the ham is in place, I put in enough water to almost cover the vegetables. This way, I get a tender, steamed ham AND a nice crust on it. It also does all the cooking without any further intervention from me, always a plus.

Even with a holiday, there are dishes to be done and laundry that needs washing. Still, life is a blessing and I won't complain . . . TOO much!

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