Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Who is required to be civil . . .

The president touts civility, civility, civility these days which basically translates to not talking back to him or his proposed changes to our lives. Someone is always on the carpet for 'hate speech' even if it only to defend a position on some situation. Today, the breaking news headline was:

"Supreme Court upholds Westboro Baptist Church's right to stage anti-gay protests at funerals of U.S. troops."

Okay, they have been granted the right to 'hate speech'? If they are staging anti-gay protests, aren't they demeaning gays? If they are coming out with signs and slogans against gays, isn't THAT 'hate speech'?

Besides the stupidity of the Supreme Court in making this legal, did they even consider the feelings of the families and the burial of their loved ones? Here are people burying sons, husbands, brothers, sisters, wives, etc., and the sorrow is tainted with strangers bringing their agendas into a private situation. These deceased died for their country and the Supreme Court doesn't protest their families' right to dignity?

The world gets crazier and crazier.

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