Friday, March 11, 2011

A great cookie receipe link . . .

I've used this recipe over and over for quick, cut out cookies. The dough doesn't need preliminary refrigeration and is easy to handle. The cookies are crisp around the edges and tender. You can ice them or not as they are tasty either way. I usually shy away from making cut out cookies because when I need cookies, I don't want to wait on the dough cooling in the refrigerator. Amazing recipe and a keeper!

Uh, why is it that once you decide to give up sweets for Lent, you keep coming across recipes you want to try . . . as in NOW? I should get organized and make up a folder of such recipes and use them to celebrate the Easter Season.

God does give one a plus side to giving up some foods as it gears you to more creativity in the non-sweet and meatless avenues of cooking. Today, I'm thinking of devising a homemade ravioli with a spinach, cheese, sun-dried tomato filling for dinner. Funny . . . Someone once asked me why I go to so much trouble fixing a homemade dinner every night for my family. Hey, I have to eat, too! If I'm going to splurge on a few extra calories, I'd prefer them to come from good food and not fast food junk!

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