Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Being careful . . .

I saw an interesting show, last year, about letting our children use Facebook. A man with some facet of the FBI or whatever said that even if the child does not put down obvious information, a pervert CAN eventually make person-to-person contact with them. He reminded parents that these pedifiles and sex predators have all the time in the world to do this. It's their 'hobby' and they are 'good' at it. He proved it most graphically by doing just that (without the evil intent!) and just by following the information on this young girl's Facebook was able to actually know when to show up at her door when she was alone. He did it all from what he could garner from her seemingly simple Facebook postings. We forget that there is a list of 'friends' that can be used to find out more information. Mention of a school team can narrow down the search. Just every day chatter about when parents will be home, what time is the bus coming, etc. add another building block to a predator's information list.

Also, proud parents like to post pictures of their children and what they are doing. No one is safe so it is us to each of us to BE safe. Sad that such a useful tool of communication can be used for evil intent but being forewarned and careful can protest us.

Just throwing that out to get people thinking! It always seems so safe to post our life to the world from the security of our home computer. It isn't always the case.

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