Saturday, January 29, 2011

Time to get away from the news . . .

My daughter just reminded me of a unique way to bake a cake and not have to worry about watching it in the oven, etc. She is baking it in the crock pot! I can only imagine how great her kitchen is smelling with a gooey, chocolate cake scenting the place. Just Google and surf to find some great links on this.

Also, for Food Network fans, Buddy, the Cake Boss, is taking on Italian cooking on his new show, Kitchen Boss. I have already successfully made and been applauded for Chicken Sorrento. After checking the proposed shows for the season, I'm pretty sure there will be more Italian meals at my house in the next few months!

Also discovered a great idea for a different sort of pound cake. You basically make the batter for a regular, vanilla pound cake and swirl in 1/2 cup or more of Nutella hazelnut/chocolate spread to marble the cake batter and bake as usual. You could do this with a boxed pound cake mix, too.

I'm making myself hungry but homemade fried chicken for dinner will certainly help that situation!

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